Technologie HydrofiberMD

La technologie HydrofiberMD est une matière douce et absorbante qui se transforme en gel lorsqu’elle entre en contact avec le liquide d’une plaie.
Nos produits avec technologie HydrofiberMD

L'action de la technologie HydrofiberMD
- La technologie HydrofiberMD est une matière douce et absorbante qui se transforme en gel lorsqu’elle entre en contact avec le liquide d’une plaie.
- Le gel formé crée un milieu optimal qui favorise la cicatrisation des plaies*1,6,10,11,12,13.
Soins avancés des plaies
Emprisonne l’exsudat et les bactéries1-3

Soins avancés des plaies
Épouse étroitement le lit de la plaie*8
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*Tel que démontré in vitro.
1. Waring MJ, Parsons D. Physico-chemical characterisation of carboxymethylated spun cellulose fibres. Biomaterials. 2001;22:903-912.
2. Walker M, Hobot JA, Newman GR, Bowler PG. Scanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilisation in a carboxymethylcellulose (Aquacel) and alginate dressings. Biomaterials. 2003;24(5):883.-890.
3. Newman GR, Walker M, Hobot J, Bowler P. Visualisation of bacterial sequestration and bactericidal activity within hydrating Hydrofiber® wound dressings. Biomaterials. 2006;27:1129-1139.
4. Coutts P, Sibbald RG. The effect of a silvercontaining Hydrofiber dressing on superficial wound bed and bacterial balance of chronic wounds. Int Wound J. 2005;2(4):348-356.
5. Robinson BJ. The use of a hydrofiber dressing in wound management. J Wound Care. 2000;9(1):32-34.
6. Walker M, Hobot JA, Newman GR, Bowler PG. Scanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilisation in a carboxymethylcellulose (Aquacel) and alginate dressings. Biomaterials. 2003;24(5):883.-890.
7. Bowler PG, Jones SA, Davies BJ, Coyle E. Infection control properties of some wound dressings. J. Wound Care. 1999;8(10):499-502.
8. Jones S, Bowler PG, Walker M. Antimicrobial activity of silver-containing dressings is influenced by dressing conformability with a wound surface. WOUNDS. 2005;17(9):263-270.
9. Bishop SM, Walker M, Rogers AA, Chen WYJ. Moisture balance: optimising the wound-dressing interface. J Wound Care. 2003;12:125-128.
10. Jones SA, Bowler PG, Walker M, Parsons D. Controlling wound bioburden with a novel silver-containing Hydrofiber® dressing. Wound Rep.Regen. 2004;12: 288-294.
11. Bowler PG, Jones SA, Walker M, Parsons D. Microbicidal properties of a silver-containing Hydrofiber® dressing against a variety of burn wound pathogens. J.Burn Care Rehabil. 2004;25: 192-196.
12. Bowler PG. Progression towards healing: wound infection and the role of an advanced silver-containing Hydrofiber® dressing. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2003;49:(8) (suppl):S2-S5.
13. Walker M, Bowler PG, Cochrane CA. In vitro studies to show sequestration of matrix metalloproteinases by sliver-containing wound care products. Ostomy Wound Manag. 2007;53(9):18-25.