Ostomy Care
Our Convatec wide range of comfortable, secure pouch and skin barrier options allow you to find a system that works best for your ostomy type and lifestyle.
Featured Ostomy Products
Find the Right Ostomy Product for You
Convatec knows that there is no one-size-fits-all product that works for every body or every stoma. Discover and sample products to fit your body, and get back to doing the things that make you, YOU.
Surgery Type
Product Type
One-Piece Products
Two-Piece Products
Durahesive® Technology Skin Barriers
Stomahesive® Technology Skin Barriers
Convatec Moldable Technology™ Skin Barriers
Adhesive Coupling Technology
Pediatric Products
Post-Operative Kits
Product Names
Durahesive® Technology Skin Barriers
Little Ones® Pediatric Products
Stomahesive® Technology Skin Barriers
eakin Cohesive®
eakin® Wound Pouch
Esteem®+ Flex Convex
Esteem® One-Piece Products
Esteem®+ One-Piece Products
Esteem®+ Soft Convex
Esteem®+ with Convatec Moldable Technology™
Esteem synergy® Two-Piece Products
Convatec Moldable Technology™ Skin Barriers
Natura® Two-Piece Products
Active Life® One-Piece Products
Natura Durahesive with Moldable Technology
Visi-Flow® Irrigation Products