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AQUACEL® Ag Advantage AQUACEL® Ag Advantage AQUACEL® Ag Advantage AQUACEL® Ag Advantage AQUACEL® Ag Advantage

AQUACEL® Ag Advantage

AQUACEL® Ag Advantage dressings are antimicrobial primary dressings for use in acute and hard-to-heal wounds that are infected or at risk of infection with varying exudate levels. AQUACEL® Ag Advantage incorporates two powerful technologies – Hydrofiber™ and MORE THAN SILVER™ - that work together synergistically to effectively manage biofilm within the dressing.
Ordering Information
SKU / Reference HCPCS Description Size Quantity
422297 A6196 AQUACEL® Ag Advantage 2”x2” 10 per box
422299 A6197 AQUACEL® Ag Advantage 4”x5” 10 per box
422298 A6197 AQUACEL® Ag Advantage 6”x6” 5 per box
422302 A6198 AQUACEL® Ag Advantage 8”x12” 5 per box
422301 A6199 AQUACEL® Ag Advantage Ribbon .39”x18” 5 per box
422300 A6199 AQUACEL® Ag Advantage Ribbon .75”x18” 5 per box

AQUACEL® Ag Advantage dressings feature two powerful technologies working synergistically to manage the key local barriers to wound healing - exudate, infection and bioburden.

Hydrofiber® Technology helps wound healing:
• Absorbs wound ‡fluid and creates a soft gel, maintaining a moist wound environment and helps reduce pain associated with dressing changes.*1-3
• Locks in exudate and bacteria to help minimize the harmful effects of maceration and cross infection.*4-9
• Micro-contours to the wound bed, eliminating dead space where bacteria can grow.*10-12

NEW ADVANTAGE TECHNOLOGY is more than just silver - a unique formulation that enhances the antimicrobial efficacy of ionic silver within the dressing:
• Faster reduction of bacteria within the dressing compared to AQUACEL® Ag Extra, and ACTICOAT.™*13-15
• Kills a broad spectrum of bacteria within the dressing including antibiotic resistant microorganisms.*13, 16-18
• Sustained antimicrobial activity in dressing up to 7 days and prevents microbial reformation.*13,16,17

*As demonstrated in-vitro
1. Barnea Y, Armir A, Leshem D, Zaretski A, Weiss J, Sha’ r R, et al, 2004. Clinical comparative study of Aquacel and para– n gauze dressing for split-skin donor site treatment. Ann Plast Surg; 53: 132-136.
2. Kogan L, Moldavsky M, Szvalb S, Govrin-Yehudain J, 2004. Comparative study of Aquacel and Silverol treatment in burns. Ann Burns Fire Disasters; 17: 201-207.
3. Brunner U, Eberlein T, 2000. Experiences with hydro’ bers in the moist treatment of chronic wounds, in particular of diabetic foot. VASA; 29: 253-257.
4. Newman GR, Walker M, Hobot JA, Bowler PG, 2006. Visualization of bacterial sequestration and bacterial activity within hydrating Hydrober™ wound dressings. Biomaterials; 27:1129-1139.
5. Walker M, Hobot JA, Newman GR, Bowler PG, 2003. Scanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilization in a carboxymethyl cellulose (AQUACEL™)
and alginate dressing. Biomaterials; 24: 883-890.
6. Bowler PG, Jones SA, Davies BJ, Coyle E, 1999. Infection control properties of some wound dressings. J. Wound Care; 8: 499-502.
7. Walker M, Bowler PG, Cochrane CA, 2007. In vitro studies to show sequestration of matrix metalloproteinases by silver-containing wound care products. Ostomy/Wound Management. 2007; 53: 18-25.
8. Walker M and Parsons D, 2010. Hydro’ ber Technology: its role in exudate management. Wounds UK; 6: 31-38.
9. Parsons D, Bowler PG, Myles V, Jones SA, 2005. Silver antimicrobial dressings in wound management: A comparison of antibacterial, physical and chemical characteristics. WOUNDS; 17: 222-232.
10. Jones SA, Bowler PG, Walker M, 2005. Antimicrobial activity of silver-containing dressings is inª uenced by dressing conformability with a wound surface. WOUNDS; 17: 263-270.
11. Bowler P, Jones S, Towers V, Booth R, Parsons D, Walker M, 2010. Dressing conformability and silver-containing wound dressings. Wounds UK; 6: 14-20.
12. Walker M, Jones S, Parsons D, Booth R, Cochrane C, Bowler P, 2011. Evaluation of low-adherent antimicrobial dressings. Wounds UK; 7: 32-45.
13. WHRI5446 MA304: The antimicrobial activity of AQUACEL Ag+ Extra wound dressing using an in vitro direct inoculation simulated wound fluid model.
14. Antimicrobial activity against CA-MRSA and prevention of biofilm reformation by AQUACEL™ Ag+ EXTRA Dressing and Acticoat 7 Dressing. Scientific Background Report. WHRI3876 MA240, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
15. Antimicrobial Activity and Prevention of Biofilm Reformation by AQUACEL® Ag+ EXTRA Dressing and Acticoat 7 Dressing. WHRI3858 MA237, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
16. Antimicrobial activity and prevention of biofilm reformation by AQUACEL™ Ag+ EXTRA dressing. Scientific Background Report. WHRI3857 MA236, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
17. Antimicrobial activity against CA-MRSA and prevention of biofilm reformation by AQUACEL™ Ag+ EXTRA dressing. Scientific Background Report. WHRI3875 MA239, 2013, Data on file, ConvaTec Inc.
18. Bowler PG, Welsby S, Towers V, Booth V, Hogarth A, Rowlands V, Joseph A, et al, 2012. Multidrug-resistant organisms, wounds and topical antimicrobial protection. Int Wound J. 9: 387-396.

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