Hydrofiber® on pehmeä, imukykyinen materiaali, joka geeliytyy joutuessaan kosketuksiin haavaeritteen kanssa.
Kuinka Hydrofiber®-teknologia toimii
- Hydrofiber® on pehmeä, imukykyinen materiaali, joka geeliytyy joutuessaan kosketuksiin haavaeritteen kanssa
- Geeliytynyt sidos luo ihanteellisen ympäristön haavan paranemiselle*1,6,10,11,12
Edistynyt haavanhoito
Lukitsee sisäänsä haavaeritteen ja bakteerit*1-3
;Edistynyt haavanhoito
Muotoutuu haavapohjaan*8
Hydrofiber®-teknologian esittely
Hydrofiber®-teknologian valmistus
Hydrofiber-teknologian® tuotantoprosessi
AQUACEL Hydrofiber®-sidokset
Tiivis kontakti
Lukitsee haavaeritteen
Muotoutuu haavapohjaan
Saatat olla kiinnostunut...
*Osoitettu in vitro
1. Waring MJ, Parsons D. Physico-chemical characterisation of carboxymethylated spun cellulose fibres. Biomaterials. 2001;22:903-912.
2. Walker M, Hobot JA, Newman GR, Bowler PG. Scanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilisation in a carboxymethylcellulose (Aquacel) and alginate dressings. Biomaterials. 2003;24(5):883.-890.
3. Newman GR, Walker M, Hobot J, Bowler P. Visualisation of bacterial sequestration and bactericidal activity within hydrating Hydrofiber® wound dressings. Biomaterials. 2006;27:1129-1139.
4. Coutts P, Sibbald RG. The effect of a silvercontaining Hydrofiber dressing on superficial wound bed and bacterial balance of chronic wounds. Int Wound J. 2005;2(4):348-356.
5. Robinson BJ. The use of a hydrofiber dressing in wound management. J Wound Care. 2000;9(1):32-34.
6. Walker M, Hobot JA, Newman GR, Bowler PG. Scanning electron microscopic examination of bacterial immobilisation in a carboxymethylcellulose (Aquacel) and alginate dressings. Biomaterials. 2003;24(5):883.-890.
7. Bowler PG, Jones SA, Davies BJ, Coyle E. Infection control properties of some wound dressings. J. Wound Care. 1999;8(10):499-502.
8. Jones S, Bowler PG, Walker M. Antimicrobial activity of silver-containing dressings is influenced by dressing conformability with a wound surface. WOUNDS. 2005;17(9):263-270.
9. Bishop SM, Walker M, Rogers AA, Chen WYJ. Moisture balance: optimising the wound-dressing interface. J Wound Care. 2003;12:125-128.
10. Jones SA, Bowler PG, Walker M, Parsons D. Controlling wound bioburden with a novel silver-containing Hydrofiber® dressing. Wound Rep.Regen. 2004;12: 288-294.
11. Bowler PG, Jones SA, Walker M, Parsons D. Microbicidal properties of a silver-containing Hydrofiber® dressing against a variety of burn wound pathogens. J.Burn Care Rehabil. 2004;25: 192-196.
12. Walker M, Bowler PG, Cochrane CA. In vitro studies to show sequestration of matrix metalloproteinases by sliver-containing wound care products. Ostomy Wound Manag. 2007;53(9):18-25.