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Esteem®+ Soft Convex Drainable Pouch

Esteem®+ Soft Convex Drainable Pouch

Esteem+ Soft Convex is the latest addition to our range of one-piece convex ostomy solutions. Esteem+ Soft Convex system combines flexibility with shallow convexity, and is designed to conform well to the body and be comfortable to wear.

Convex | Flexible, Conforms to Body | Designed to Minimize Pressure | Designed to be Skin Friendly

Features include:
• Flexible Convexity: conforms to the body and helps improve the pouch seal
  by minimizing leaks
• Easy-View Window: for accurate positioning and observation
• Filter: may help minimize odors and ballooning
• Safe Seal Clipless Closure: may help make emptying and cleaning easy
• Belt Tabs: attach an ostomy support belt for added security

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Your privacy is important to us. Please take a moment to read our privacy policy to understand how Convatec uses and protects your personal data. We never share your data with other companies without your permission.
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We’ll process and use your data to deliver the products or services you’ve requested. This may include contacting you to verify your details.

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From time to time we’ll send you our latest news, support articles relevant to your condition or product ideas you might like to try.
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You can manage your consent at any time by unsubscribing through a link in our emails, contacting us at 0800 225 4309 or by email at
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Ordering Information
Code Description Stoma Size Quantity
422363 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Cut-to-Fit V1 20-47mm 10 per box
422364 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Cut-to-Fit V2 15-40mm 10 per box
422365 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Cut-to-Fit V3 10-28mm 10 per box
422539 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V1 25mm 10 per box
422540 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V1 30mm 10 per box
422541 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V1 35mm 10 per box
422542 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V1 40mm 10 per box
422543 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V2 45mm 10 per box
422544 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V2 20mm (¾”) 10 per box
422545 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V2 25mm 10 per box
422546 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V2 30mm 10 per box
422547 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V2 35mm 10 per box
422548 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V3 15mm 10 per box
422549 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V3 20mm (¾”) 10 per box
422550 Esteem+ Soft Convex, Drainable, Pre-Cut V3 25mm 10 per box
Colostomy Colostomy
Ileostomy Ileostomy

Printable Materials

Esteem Soft Convex Leave Behind

For more information or product sample request, get in touch with our team

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