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DuoDERM® Hydroactive® Gel
DuoDERM® Hydroactive® Gel is a clear, preservative-free, viscous hydrogel. It is indicated for the management of partial and full-thickess wounds, ideally as a filler for dry cavity wounds to provide a moist healing environment. ARTG Number: 134955Code | RPBS Code |
Description | Size | Quantity |
187987 | 4913N | Tube | 30g | 3 per box |
DuoDERM® Hydroactive® Gel is a clear, preservative-free, viscous hydrogel. It is indicated for the management of partial and full-thickess wounds, ideally as a filler for dry cavity wounds to provide a moist healing environment.
Please note: This product does not contain latex.Please see package insert for complete instructions for use.
Printable Materials
Pack Insert - DuoDERM® Hydroactive® Gel
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