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me+ Care offers products, accessories, advice, and support for your stoma journey. Get tools, resources, and free samples to manage your stoma effectively. 

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Our clinical, care, and product specialists are here for you, offering insights, inspiration, and ideas to help you live with a stoma your way. 

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With me+ Community, connect with others who share their experiences and advice, helping you adjust to life with a stoma.  

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Featured articles for living with a Colostomy, Ileostomy or Urostomy. Explore our large catalogue of articles and blogs below, or click on a topic that interests you to find out more. All Activity Diet Everyday life Fashion me plus Community Relationships & Intimacy Travel
me+ Community Stories - Sarah Meet Sarah, who had an ileostomy surgery in 2010 to treat life-threatening peritonitis. me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Lee-Ann Watanabe When the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN suggested that I undergo ileostomy surgery, I knew I was ready. After a decade of suffering, I was reborn on Dec ... me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Ival Secrest "If you’re struggling with your new life as an ostomate, I can’t recommend enough that you seek our local support groups. Not only did they make me re ... me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Ellen Hepp In 1985 – at 25-years-old with three small children – Ellen was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Within a year and a half of my diagnosis she would hav ... me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Phyllis Rovner "Getting an ileostomy was not the end of my life; it was the beginning. I’m so happy that I want to help others." me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Ted Taylor "Health wise, having stoma surgery was probably the best thing to happen to me." me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Thomas Exler Thomas was born with a rare birth defect called bladder exstrophy, meaning that his bladder was turned inside out. In 1969, just before his fourth bir ... me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Stephanie Crane Stephanie Crane couldn’t imagine life without dance. But when Crohn's Disease threatened her life, she feared the worst. me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Lee Thrash Before being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, Lee Thrash had no idea that living with a stoma would be such a blessing. me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Bill O’Donnell An active man who loves the outdoors, Bill O’Donnell’s ileostomy didn’t stop him from forging ahead in his career, pursuing his passion for volunteeri ... me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Ryan Decker Ryan Decker's life went from “zero to sixty in the blink of an eye.” Although he had developed stomach problems in his late teens, Ryan Decker was oth ... me plus Community
me+ Community Stories - Dana Marie Gatziolis Intuitively, Dana Marie knew that life after stoma surgery could mean one of two things. She could either choose to live in fear and feel victimised b ... me plus Community

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