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Featured articles for living with a Colostomy, Ileostomy or Urostomy. Explore our large catalogue of articles and blogs below, or click on a topic that interests you to find out more. All Activity Diet Everyday life Fashion me plus Community Relationships & Intimacy Travel
How can I stop my stoma bag leaking at night? There are some simple things that you can try today that could help reduce stoma bag leakage at night. Everyday life
Navigating Public Toilets With A Stoma When you’re out and about, everyone needs to take a quick pitstop from time to time, and the key to a good pitstop is that it’s quick and easy! Everyday life
Peristomal Skin Care Knowing how to identify irritated skin around your stoma early and keeping it healthy could help avoid greater complications and make for a stress-fre ... Everyday life
Preparing for Winter Weather If you live in an area that may be affected by a natural disaster or severe weather, these tips may help you feel more prepared. Everyday life
Returning to Work with a Stoma From industrial jobs to the classroom, from long shifts at the hospital to dancers – and all workplaces in between – people living with a stoma are su ... Everyday life
Tips for Managing Anxiety After Stoma Surgery One of the biggest worries for people who have recently had stoma surgery is what other people will think. Everyday life
Living with a Stoma: Hydration Learn about the importance of hydration when living with a stoma. Our guide provides tips on fluid intake, recognising dehydration symptoms, and more. ... Diet Everyday life
Stoma Diet: Enjoying Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Tips from our me+ contributor, Sarah Biggart about enjoying a healthier diet whilst living with a stoma. Diet
Bathing or showering with a Stoma Showering or bathing with a stoma should not interfere with your regular cleaning routine. Here are some tips on bathing or showering with a stoma. Everyday life
Sleeping with a Stoma ‘Learning’ how to sleep again after ostomy surgery may be odd. But when you have a stoma, your old sleep positions may need a little adjustment. Everyday life
Ted Vosk’s story Ted has been living with an ileostomy since May 2012, after developing ulcerative colitis. Everyday life me plus Community
Top Tips for Preventing Stoma Bag Leakages Tips for preventing stoma leakages, find out if there’s something you could try today to help prevent leakages in the future. Everyday life

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