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Convatec Group Contact Us България България Bosna i Hercegovina Bosna i Hercegovina Česko Česko Danmark Danmark Österreich Österreich Schweiz (Deutsch) Schweiz (Deutsch) Deutschland Deutschland Ελλάδα Ελλάδα United Kingdom United Kingdom Ireland Ireland España España Eesti Eesti Suomi Suomi Suisse (Français) Suisse (Français) France France Hrvatska Hrvatska Magyarország Magyarország Ísland Ísland Italia Italia Lietuva Lietuva Latvija Latvija Северна Македонија Северна Македонија Malta Malta Norge Norge België België Nederland Nederland Polska Polska Portugal Portugal România România Slovensko Slovensko Slovenija Slovenija Srbija Srbija Sverige Sverige Türkiye Türkiye Україна Україна Brasil Brasil United States (English) United States (English) Estados Unidos (Español) Estados Unidos (Español) Argentina Argentina Canada (English) Canada (English) Canada (Français) Canada (Français) Chile Chile Colombia Colombia Ecuador Ecuador México México Perú Perú Belize Belize Guyana Guyana Jamaica Jamaica Venezuela Venezuela Costa Rica Costa Rica Curaçao Curaçao República Dominicana República Dominicana Guatemala Guatemala Honduras Honduras Nicaragua Nicaragua Panamá Panamá Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Suriname Suriname El Salvador El Salvador الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة البحرين البحرين مصر مصر ישראל ישראל ایران ایران الأردن الأردن عُمان عُمان قطر قطر پاکستان پاکستان لبنان لبنان الكويت الكويت المملكة العربية السعودية المملكة العربية السعودية Suid-Afrika Suid-Afrika العراق العراق New Zealand New Zealand 日本 日本 Australia Australia India India Malaysia Malaysia Singapore Singapore 대한민국 대한민국 中国大陆 中国大陆 中国台湾 中国台湾 ไทย ไทย Indonesia Indonesia Việt Nam Việt Nam Philippines Philippines Hong Kong SAR China (English) Hong Kong SAR China (English) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区)) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区))
False /oidc-signin/en-gb/ Convatec Group Contact Us България България Bosna i Hercegovina Bosna i Hercegovina Česko Česko Danmark Danmark Österreich Österreich Schweiz (Deutsch) Schweiz (Deutsch) Deutschland Deutschland Ελλάδα Ελλάδα United Kingdom United Kingdom Ireland Ireland España España Eesti Eesti Suomi Suomi Suisse (Français) Suisse (Français) France France Hrvatska Hrvatska Magyarország Magyarország Ísland Ísland Italia Italia Lietuva Lietuva Latvija Latvija Северна Македонија Северна Македонија Malta Malta Norge Norge België België Nederland Nederland Polska Polska Portugal Portugal România România Slovensko Slovensko Slovenija Slovenija Srbija Srbija Sverige Sverige Türkiye Türkiye Україна Україна Brasil Brasil United States (English) United States (English) Estados Unidos (Español) Estados Unidos (Español) Argentina Argentina Canada (English) Canada (English) Canada (Français) Canada (Français) Chile Chile Colombia Colombia Ecuador Ecuador México México Perú Perú Belize Belize Guyana Guyana Jamaica Jamaica Venezuela Venezuela Costa Rica Costa Rica Curaçao Curaçao República Dominicana República Dominicana Guatemala Guatemala Honduras Honduras Nicaragua Nicaragua Panamá Panamá Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Suriname Suriname El Salvador El Salvador الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة البحرين البحرين مصر مصر ישראל ישראל ایران ایران الأردن الأردن عُمان عُمان قطر قطر پاکستان پاکستان لبنان لبنان الكويت الكويت المملكة العربية السعودية المملكة العربية السعودية Suid-Afrika Suid-Afrika العراق العراق New Zealand New Zealand 日本 日本 Australia Australia India India Malaysia Malaysia Singapore Singapore 대한민국 대한민국 中国大陆 中国大陆 中国台湾 中国台湾 ไทย ไทย Indonesia Indonesia Việt Nam Việt Nam Philippines Philippines Hong Kong SAR China (English) Hong Kong SAR China (English) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区)) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区))

Introducing Esteem Body™ with Leak Defence™

We're proud to introduce our new one-piece soft convex stoma system with Leak Defence™. A combination of our gold-standard adhesives with a comprehensive soft convexity range, designed to adapt to the body for a secure, longer-lasting seal.

Contact your Convatec representative
Esteem Body™ with Leak Defense infographic ;

Featuring Convatec's exclusive Leak Defence™

Range of soft convexity combinations are designed to get the right fit, right from the start.

  • To achieve central or peripheral tension
  • Created to adapt to the needs of unique body and stoma types

Gold standard adhesives secure the baseplate, protecting the skin.

  • Pioneers in hydrocolloids
  • Created to stop skin irritation before it starts
  • Created to help users get it right the first time, every time

Your patients deserve a pouch that makes them feel good.

Esteem Body™ soft convex products come in 2 depths and 4 tension widths to help you find the optimal convex option for your patient.
Screen shot from the Convexity video showing the title card ; This animated video provides an at-a-glance description of convex ostomy products, specifically the Convatec Esteem Body™ product line. Man wearing an Esteem Body™ ostomy pouch ;

Designed to adapt to different stomas and body types

Convexity allows ostomy baseplates to:

  • Fit a flush or retracted stoma to provide tension as close as possible to the stoma if protrusion of the stoma is needed
  • Flatten peristomal skin folds using tension away form the stoma that may interfere with achieving a consistent, reliable seal
  • Adapt to each persons unique body and stoma type
Contact your Convatec representative

Understanding the 5 Characteristics of Convexity

Ostomy baseplates come in different shapes, for different body and stoma types. Understanding the 5 key characteristics of convexity can help clinicians to be able to select a convex baseplate that may work best for their patient.

5 Characteristics of Convexity1


An animated GIF showing the measurement of convex baseplate depth, from the apex of the dome to the base.

The depth of the convex baseplate Is defined as the measurement from the apex of the dome to the base.


An animated GIF showing the compressibility of a convex dome, by compressing the center of the convex baseplate.

Compressibility is the capacity of the convex dome to be displaced or flattened.


Animated GIF displaying flexible convex baseplate bending when pressed at the top and bottom.

Flexibility is how easily the convex baseplate can bend.

Tension Location

Animated GIF illustrating convexity tension on peristomal topography, exerted by the convex dome.

Tension location is the position in which the convex dome exerts downward and outward forces on the peristomal topography.


An animated GIF showing the slope of a convex skin barrier, from the base to the apex of the dome.

The slope is the angle from the base of the convex baseplate to the apex of the dome.

McNichol L, Cobb T, Depaifve Y, Quigley M, Smitka K, Gray, M. Characteristics of Convex Skin Barriers and Clinical Application: Results of an International Consensus Panel. ) Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2021;48(6):524-532.

Adhesives created to stop skin irritation before it starts.

Convatec revolutionised stoma care with the development of hydrocolloids. Our gold-standard adhesives secure the baseplate, protecting the skin. Our adhesives were created to help users get it right the first time, every time.
a close-up of a spoon ; This animated video provides an at-a-glance view of how Convatec hydrocolloids work. Close up of the Esteem Body™ Skin Barrier ;

Choose between Durahesive® and Modified Stomahesive®

Liquid output? Try Durahesive®. It's designed for people whose output is mostly liquid. It swells up, or 'turtlenecks' to provide a secure seal and extended wear time. 

Semi-formed or formed output? Try Modified Stomahesive®. Ideal for people whose output is semi-formed or formed. It adheres to both dry and moist skin and features a touch of mineral oil that makes the barrier more flexible and easier to remove. 

Learn more

Modern pouch design

Pouch options for all types of ostomies without compromising a modern design that supports patient confidence.
Man with an ostomy showing his pouch


The pouch fabric is water-repellent.

Woman standing in her kitchen


Warm grey colour selected to be visually discreet, even under white clothing.

Woman running on beach


Pouch fabric will hide the contents of the pouch, even when wet.

Woman wearing an ostomy Esteem Body™ pouch


Modern 8-shaped pouch designed to minimise bulging and sag less as it fills.*

Find the right product for your patient

Healthcare professional using computer ;

Esteem Body™ Convexity Selector

Finding an Esteem Body™ soft convex solution for your patients has never been easier. Learn more about selecting the right depth and tension width in our quick use product selector.

Esteem Body™ Convexity Selector

Learn more about Esteem Body™ with Leak Defence™, a secure seal creating a healthy bond for every body.

Contact your Convatec representative

*8-shape pouch only available on closed-end and drainable pouches.

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