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False /oidc-signin/en-gb/ Convatec Group Contact Us България България Bosna i Hercegovina Bosna i Hercegovina Česko Česko Danmark Danmark Österreich Österreich Schweiz (Deutsch) Schweiz (Deutsch) Deutschland Deutschland Ελλάδα Ελλάδα United Kingdom United Kingdom Ireland Ireland España España Eesti Eesti Suomi Suomi Suisse (Français) Suisse (Français) France France Hrvatska Hrvatska Magyarország Magyarország Ísland Ísland Italia Italia Lietuva Lietuva Latvija Latvija Северна Македонија Северна Македонија Malta Malta Norge Norge België België Nederland Nederland Polska Polska Portugal Portugal România România Slovensko Slovensko Slovenija Slovenija Srbija Srbija Sverige Sverige Türkiye Türkiye Україна Україна Brasil Brasil United States (English) United States (English) Estados Unidos (Español) Estados Unidos (Español) Argentina Argentina Canada (English) Canada (English) Canada (Français) Canada (Français) Chile Chile Colombia Colombia Ecuador Ecuador México México Perú Perú Belize Belize Guyana Guyana Jamaica Jamaica Venezuela Venezuela Costa Rica Costa Rica Curaçao Curaçao República Dominicana República Dominicana Guatemala Guatemala Honduras Honduras Nicaragua Nicaragua Panamá Panamá Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Suriname Suriname El Salvador El Salvador الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة البحرين البحرين مصر مصر ישראל ישראל ایران ایران الأردن الأردن عُمان عُمان قطر قطر پاکستان پاکستان لبنان لبنان الكويت الكويت المملكة العربية السعودية المملكة العربية السعودية Suid-Afrika Suid-Afrika العراق العراق New Zealand New Zealand 日本 日本 Australia Australia India India Malaysia Malaysia Singapore Singapore 대한민국 대한민국 中国大陆 中国大陆 中国台湾 中国台湾 ไทย ไทย Indonesia Indonesia Việt Nam Việt Nam Philippines Philippines Hong Kong SAR China (English) Hong Kong SAR China (English) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区)) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区))
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Learn how Neria™ infusion set products are used for thalassemia treatment. Read the Instructions For Use (IFU) for detailed product information.
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What is Thalassemia?

Thalassemia is an inherited (i.e., passed from parents to children through genes) blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough of a protein called hemoglobin, an important part of red blood cells. Thalassemia is a treatable disorder that can be well-managed with blood transfusions and chelation therapy.1


The symptoms for the different types of thalassemia vary but may be an indication of the severity of the condition. Some symptoms are:2

  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • A fast heart beat
  • Headache
  • Leg cramps
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Pale skin


Please always consult healthcare professional for advice on thalassemia.


Thalassaemia is caused by faulty genes that a child inherits from their parents.

It's not caused by anything the parents did before or during the pregnancy, and you cannot catch it from someone who has it.3

Treatment of thalassemia 

Thalassemia usually requires lifelong treatment with blood transfusions and medicine. Chelation therapy is used for treatment to remove excess iron caused by regular blood transfusions. It’s very important because high levels of iron in the body can damage organs4.

One of the medications used to remove excess iron is deferoxamine mesylate. This medication is administered by subcutaneous infusion using an infusion pump and an infusion set which connects the pump device to the body.

In general, the treatment of thalassemia should always be based on a healthcare professional’s assessment of an individual patient’s situation.

Our Neria™ infusion sets

Neria™Guard and Neria™ infusion sets are tested for use with deferoxamine mesylate for treatment of thalassemia.

The choice of medication and method of administration relies on the assessment of the healthcare professionals.

Infusion Sets



The Neria™ infusion set is a steel needle infusion set designed for ease of use. The Neria™ infusion set is inserted at a 90-degree angle.

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Infusion Sets



A soft cannula infusion set with an integrated insertion device for simple insertions by the touch of a button. A retractable needle may help prevent accidental needle sticks and increase comfort during insertion.

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Help with using our products

Neria™Guard and Neria™ infusion sets are built with ease of use in mind, but it's crucial to follow the advice of healthcare professionals and consult the Instructions For Use (IFU) when using an infusion set. Below you can find some basic information about using a Neria™Guard infusion set.
How to use Neria™ Guard infusion set ;

How to use the Neria™ Guard infusion set

Watch our instruction video and quickly learn how to use the Neria™ Guard infusion set

Our Infusion Therapy Areas

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Parkinson's disease

Get an overview of how Neria™ products are used for treatment of Parkinson's disease

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Pain management

Learn about Neria™ infusion sets in the area of pain management and palliative care.

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a man holding a woman

Primary immunodeficiency

Learn how Neria™ infusion sets are used in primary immunodeficiency treatment.

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1. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention: Reviewed February 1, 2024. Accessed February 15, 2024. Learn More About Thalassemia | CDC

2. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention: Reviewed April 27, 2023. Accessed February 15, 2024. Thalassemia: Complications and Treatment | CDC

3. National Health Service (NHS): Reviewed October 17, 2022. Accessed February 22, 2024.

4.National Health Service (NHS): Reviewed October 17, 2022. Accessed February 22, 2024.

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