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Convatec Group Contact Us България България Bosna i Hercegovina Bosna i Hercegovina Česko Česko Danmark Danmark Österreich Österreich Schweiz (Deutsch) Schweiz (Deutsch) Deutschland Deutschland Ελλάδα Ελλάδα United Kingdom United Kingdom Ireland Ireland España España Eesti Eesti Suomi Suomi Suisse (Français) Suisse (Français) France France Hrvatska Hrvatska Magyarország Magyarország Ísland Ísland Italia Italia Lietuva Lietuva Latvija Latvija Северна Македонија Северна Македонија Malta Malta Norge Norge België België Nederland Nederland Polska Polska Portugal Portugal România România Slovensko Slovensko Slovenija Slovenija Srbija Srbija Sverige Sverige Türkiye Türkiye Україна Україна Brasil Brasil United States (English) United States (English) Estados Unidos (Español) Estados Unidos (Español) Argentina Argentina Canada (English) Canada (English) Canada (Français) Canada (Français) Chile Chile Colombia Colombia Ecuador Ecuador México México Perú Perú Belize Belize Guyana Guyana Jamaica Jamaica Venezuela Venezuela Costa Rica Costa Rica Curaçao Curaçao República Dominicana República Dominicana Guatemala Guatemala Honduras Honduras Nicaragua Nicaragua Panamá Panamá Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Suriname Suriname El Salvador El Salvador الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة البحرين البحرين مصر مصر ישראל ישראל ایران ایران الأردن الأردن عُمان عُمان قطر قطر پاکستان پاکستان لبنان لبنان الكويت الكويت المملكة العربية السعودية المملكة العربية السعودية Suid-Afrika Suid-Afrika العراق العراق New Zealand New Zealand 日本 日本 Australia Australia India India Malaysia Malaysia Singapore Singapore 대한민국 대한민국 中国大陆 中国大陆 中国台湾 中国台湾 ไทย ไทย Indonesia Indonesia Việt Nam Việt Nam Philippines Philippines Hong Kong SAR China (English) Hong Kong SAR China (English) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区)) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区))
False /oidc-signin/en-gb/ Convatec Group Contact Us България България Bosna i Hercegovina Bosna i Hercegovina Česko Česko Danmark Danmark Österreich Österreich Schweiz (Deutsch) Schweiz (Deutsch) Deutschland Deutschland Ελλάδα Ελλάδα United Kingdom United Kingdom Ireland Ireland España España Eesti Eesti Suomi Suomi Suisse (Français) Suisse (Français) France France Hrvatska Hrvatska Magyarország Magyarország Ísland Ísland Italia Italia Lietuva Lietuva Latvija Latvija Северна Македонија Северна Македонија Malta Malta Norge Norge België België Nederland Nederland Polska Polska Portugal Portugal România România Slovensko Slovensko Slovenija Slovenija Srbija Srbija Sverige Sverige Türkiye Türkiye Україна Україна Brasil Brasil United States (English) United States (English) Estados Unidos (Español) Estados Unidos (Español) Argentina Argentina Canada (English) Canada (English) Canada (Français) Canada (Français) Chile Chile Colombia Colombia Ecuador Ecuador México México Perú Perú Belize Belize Guyana Guyana Jamaica Jamaica Venezuela Venezuela Costa Rica Costa Rica Curaçao Curaçao República Dominicana República Dominicana Guatemala Guatemala Honduras Honduras Nicaragua Nicaragua Panamá Panamá Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Suriname Suriname El Salvador El Salvador الإمارات العربية المتحدة الإمارات العربية المتحدة البحرين البحرين مصر مصر ישראל ישראל ایران ایران الأردن الأردن عُمان عُمان قطر قطر پاکستان پاکستان لبنان لبنان الكويت الكويت المملكة العربية السعودية المملكة العربية السعودية Suid-Afrika Suid-Afrika العراق العراق New Zealand New Zealand 日本 日本 Australia Australia India India Malaysia Malaysia Singapore Singapore 대한민국 대한민국 中国大陆 中国大陆 中国台湾 中国台湾 ไทย ไทย Indonesia Indonesia Việt Nam Việt Nam Philippines Philippines Hong Kong SAR China (English) Hong Kong SAR China (English) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区)) 中国香港特别行政区 (中文(简体,中国香港特别行政区))

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions. Many of these answers were developed or updated by a team of experts, however, this information does not replace seeking medical advice from your healthcare professional.

Download the full FAQ


a man and a woman embracing

General Concerns

IC benefits, pain, follow-ups, and impact on sex life

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a man and woman kissing on a sidewalk

About catheters

Catheter options, expiration, use during pregnancy, and fluid intake guidance inquired

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a group of people sitting at a table eating food

Help & advice

Guidance addressing practical and health concerns

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a person sitting on a couch

Catheterising considerations

Catheter safety addressed including risks, immune system, and bladder concerns

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a group of women sitting on a couch

Urinary tract infections

Definition, catheter risks, prevention, symptoms, and treatment strategies discussed

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a man riding a bicycle

Catheter technique

Procedure steps, required equipment and number of catheters required

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a man leaning against a window

Types of catheters

Exploration of catheter types, discreet options, and switching types

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More related topics

  • Travelling
    Guidance on travelling, catheter safety, and preparation for trips abroad
  • ISC at home
    Addressing anxiety and options if unable to perform ISC
  • Diet and supplements
    Considerations for dietary adjustments and potential supplement recommendations for catheter users
  • Knowing when to catheterise
    Guidance on timing, frequency, and troubleshooting catheterisation routines
  • Catheter sizing
    Explanation of catheter length, French sizes, and selection guidelines
  • Catheter tips
    Answers on the different types of catheter tips
  • Catheter usage
    Guidelines on timing, urine volume, and post catheterisation issues
  • Hygiene tips
    Usage, storage, and hygiene practices for catheter safety
  • Catheter disposal methods
    Proper disposal methods and recyclability status of catheters explained
  • Duration of use
    Guidelines on catheter usage duration

a person using a tablet ;

Don't see an answer to your question?

We understand every person has a different experience with intermittent catheterisation and we are committed to ensuring your voice is heard.
Submit your questions here, you may even see your answers published on the site or you can choose to be answer directly by one of our me+ support members. 
You can also download our full comprehensive list which includes over 70 FAQs!
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Enrol in me+™ or Request Product Samples

The me+ support programme offers tools to help make life as a catheter user completely your own. Enrol in me+ or request free product samples. Experience the latest technology and discover answers to the most commonly asked cathing questions.

Adjusting to cathing can be tough, with a range of practical, physical and emotional challenges. You don’t have to figure it out alone.

Speak with a member of the me+™ support team today.

Call 0800 587 7560 (Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM).

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