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Our Convatec wide range of comfortable, secure pouch and skin barrier options allow you to find a system that works best for your ostomy type and lifestyle.
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One-Piece Products

The pouch and the skin barrier adhesive are all one system.
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Two-Piece Products

The pouch and the skin barrier are two separate pieces that can be joined together with a plastic coupling ring.
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Durahesive® Technology Skin Barriers

Designed for people whose stoma output is mostly liquid. When exposed to liquid output, Durahesive® skin barriers/wafers swell up to protect the stoma.
This special effect, called turtlenecking, helps create a secure seal without harming the skin. Durahesive® skin barriers are also easy to fit, apply, and remove.
View All Durahesive® Technology Skin Barriers

Stomahesive® Technology Skin Barriers

Ideal for people whose stoma output is semi-formed to formed stool. This reliable skin barrier provides a special formula that enables the skin barrier to adhere to both dry and moist skin. It holds firmly to skin while helping to protect against irritating output. Another feature of the Stomahesive® skin barrier is an outer protective coating which helps keep it in place. Plus, Stomahesive® skin barriers are easy to fit, apply, and remove.
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Convatec Moldable Technology™ Skin Barriers

No scissors are needed to size a moldable skin barrier. The adhesive can be sized or shaped to the size of the stoma using one's fingers.
View All Convatec Moldable Technology™ Skin Barriers

Adhesive Coupling Technology

The pouch and the skin barrier are two separate pieces that can be joined together with the foam adhesive ring on the pouch and flexible “Landing Zone” on the barrier.
View All Adhesive Coupling Technology

Pediatric Products

The Little Ones® product line designed to care for the youngest patients.
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Post-Operative Kits

Our premier line of non-sterile post-operative/surgical kits. Simple, post-operative solutions for skin-friendly and secure product connections. Featuring our innovative Convatec technologies.
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Our ostomy accessories are designed to provide you with a range of solutions to protect your skin and ensure your bond to your ostomy system remains strong.
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For more information or product sample request, get in touch with our team

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