Living with an Ostomy
It’s only natural that you’ll have questions as you begin life with an ostomy, or even after you have had your ostomy for a while. So we’ve curated a platform of honest, insightful tools that are constantly being updated called me+ answers. It’s designed to give you the current, up-to-date ideas you need to gain confidence and get comfortable with your ostomy — all in one convenient place, whenever you need it.
Common Issues
Ostomy Care
Bag Leakage
Bag leakage is a concern for many people living with an ostomy, find out more on our common issues page.
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Ostomy Care
Skin Health
Skin health is one of the most common challenges following ostomy surgery, Convatec's range of hydrocolloid adhesive technologies are proven to perform and designed to protect the skin around the stoma. Find out more on our common issues page.
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Ostomy care
Ballooning occurs when air from the digestive system is trapped in the ostomy bag causing it to inflate. Find our more on our common issues page.
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Ostomy Care
Pancaking occurs when the stool accumulates at the top of the appliance around the stoma and does not fall down into the appliance. Find our more on our common issues page.
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Lifestyle Support
Living with a stoma may impact your everyday life, but with our specialist help, guidance and support things will get back to normal.
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Lifestyle Support
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me+ Answers
Explore articles providing tips, tricks, resources, solutions and more across topics like diet, relationships, activity, travel and recovery. Still have more questions about living with an ostomy? Contact our me+ team to be connected to an ostomy nurse or support specialist.
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me+ Stories
We believe living with an ostomy should be fulfilling and complete – whether you’d like to run a 5K, or simply get back out with your friends. And we know that no two people live with an ostomy in quite the same way. The me+ Community highlights the stories of people living with an ostomy doing the things they love.
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