Contact Us
Please complete this brief form to contact Convatec with any questions or comments.
If you are a healthcare professional, please fill out this form to also sign up for our email communications.
If you are a healthcare professional, please fill out this form to also sign up for our email communications.
me+ Support Team
Phone: 1‐800‐422‐8811
Hours: Monday ‐ Friday, 8:30am ‐ 7:00pm ET
For product feedback or concerns, please reach out to us directly at 1-800-422-8811.
Convatec Global Corporate Headquarters
Floor 7, 20 Eastbourne Terrace,
London W2 6LG
United Kingdom
Convatec US Corporate Office
200 Crossing Boulevard, Suite 101
Bridgewater, NJ 08807, USA
Investor Relations
By email:
Media Relations
By email: